Your next role.

I help you land it 🥭

I help young professionals reach their next step.

You are job searching, that's exciting!

It can also be frustrating.

It doesn’t need to be.

Peel away the anxieties of the job search.

I'm here to:

  • listen and soundboard 👂

  • drive commitment 🏋️‍♀️

  • introduce best practices 💡

I’m here to help you Land It.

Career Exploration


Cover Letters



Offer Negotation

“For as long as I remember, I've been applying to stuff.

I developed a framework to navigate job searches effectively, safeguarding sanity and guaranteeing results. . .”

- Joaquín

Admitted, attended and worked at:

Let’s chat about how you can Land It.

First session on me.

hear from people

🥭 who used to be 🥭

in your shoes

Let's Land It 🥭

Let's Land It 🥭